Waldorf Hosts Sex and Law Speaker

By: Joseph Halverson
On Wednesday, Oct. 6, Waldorf hosted attorney, author, and student advocate C.L. Lindsay. Lindsay spoke about sex and the law with the Waldorf student athletes, and anyone else who wanted to attend.
Lindsay goes around the country and speaks to college students about Title IX, sexual court cases, etc. He is one of the most popular attorneys in the country in higher education.
Lindsay, who has spoken at Waldorf in the past educated the students on several topics. Lindsay uses props such as action figures to describe scenes and scenarios involving sexual activities and the law.
Lindsay also talked about how he became one of the first higher education attorneys in the country. Lindsay told students he worked for one of his friends, who is a professor, on a case.
“I worked for six weeks for him for free, since professors don’t make that much,” Lindsay said. “After that, I quit my job and decided to work in this for free as a living.”
Lindsay continually works for free now. Him and a team of over 150 attorneys are not-for-profit and help any college student who reaches out to his team for help.
Tyler Hopp, a Waldorf sophomore who also plays football attended the event.
“I think the speech was a lot more enjoyable than I first thought it would be,” Hopp said. “At first, I thought it was going to be a boring required event, but Lindsay made it enjoyable with his unique style. Also, being with other student athletes made it seem more like a get together than a speech, which made it even more fun.”
A large part of Lindsay’s job now is to go around to universities and talk to students.
The event was organized by SWAT as they had a speaker introduce C.L. Lindsay. SWAT is set up to hold several other events this semester, although this is event was one of their most attended of the semester.