Waldorf College crowned as Waldorf University March 17

President Bob Alsop stands next to the new Waldorf University sign. Photo by Molly Maschka
By Molly Maschka
Big changes are underway at Waldorf College. On March 17, Waldorf College will officially become Waldorf University.
“With Waldorf being rich in its tradition, being in the top 10 percent in education with record enrollment, I am proud to see Waldorf make changes,” said President Robert Alsop in front of 100+ Waldorf students and faculty. “With the success of our graduate program and the diversity of academic offerings, we felt the title university best represents who we are and who we strive to be. Today We are Warriors.”
Since opening in 1903, Waldorf has always been an institution focusing on the education of the students, whether it has been sports, clubs or in the arts. When they joined Columbia Southern University six years ago, Waldorf blossomed. Adding multiple programs, including online and masters degrees, the board of trustees thought a university status would fit the institution.
“Waldorf stands by the four pillars of its core – tradition, passion, community and success,” said Waldorf Trustee Robert Mayes. “Evolving to become a university will give Waldorf a standing it deserves greatly.”
As the new name was unveiled, students and faculty cheered in excitement for the change. Junior Kiya Meinecke is excited to be graduating as the first class of Waldorf University.
“I’m very excited to have university on my diploma,” says Meinecke. “My mom was a graduate of Waldorf College, and now I get to be the first one in my family to graduate from an university. It’s pretty neat.”
Meinecke hopes changing Waldorf to a university will help the school grow within the coming years.
“I think Waldorf becoming a university will help enrollment, especially since we had a record enrollment last fall. We can only hope for the best,” Meinecke said.
Although when the name change takes place on March 17, the graduating class of 2016 will be the last class to be graduating from Waldorf College. Yet here is an interesting note- seniors and alumni can have their degree changed to Waldorf University. For senior Austin Heeren, he is looking forward to having Waldorf University on his transcripts as he prepares for his future.
“My goal is to attend law school after I graduate this spring, and many law schools like to see university instead of college on resumes and transcripts,” said Heeren. “I am looking forward to seeing what will happen to Waldorf in the next few years.”