Suicide Prevention Speaker

the cards represent a call for help – you give one to someone when you need someone to talk to – Photo by Victoria Carra
By Victoria Carra
On Monday, September 26, Waldorf had a visit from a group called Open Arms Yellow Ribbon Prevention Program where they spoke to students about the warning signs of suicide.
The speakers first shared their own story, where their son, Jacob, had committed suicide while coming down from Adderall that was not prescribed to him. Jacob was fifteen when he committed suicide. The entire group consisted of people that were close to Jacob. Geoff, Jacob’s stepfather, said,” It was the call you never wanted to take, July 30, was the worst day of our lives, we all remember that day like it was yesterday.”
They also talked about what to do if you are feeling or if you are trying to help someone through suicidal thoughts. The group gave each student a couple cards that had a phone number to call or text for help. The group discussed how suicide has become a much bigger situation, especially for teens, in the past few years with numbers going up by 24%. For females, it was as much as a 53% increase. They also said that although more women attempt suicide, more men actually die from suicide.
They also discussed what the signs for suicide are and how they are different for every person. Some people are naturally isolated and quiet, which can make it harder to find signs of suicide. There are also times that there are no signs. They discussed that the biggest sign to look out for is any major change in attitude whether it be good or bad.
Sophomore Kirsten DeVary, who was very moved by the speakers, said, ” It was very educational and I feel that it is a speaker that a lot of colleges and high schools should have come and talk to their students about suicide awareness.” DeVary felt that the speaker helped open her eyes to the problems of suicide.
If you or someone you know is struggling, please call 1-800-273-TALK, or text “LIFE” to 61222. There are also always people willing to listen here on campus.