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Road to the Election

2016 Presidential election is just around the corner. Photo via web

By: Anthony Romualdo

The 2016 presidential election is weeks away, and those who vote will determine the future of our country for the next four years.

As of 2016 the Republican and Democratic parties have highlighted our countries biggest issues. These issues include: immigration, gun control, climate change, taxes and healthcare. Regardless of the issues affecting our country, the most important factor that determines the outcome of how these problems are resolved falls on who the people of the country choose as the next president of the United States of America.

With the two presidential candidates, Hilary Clinton of the Democratic party and Donald Trump of the Republican party running for president, both have pleaded their cases as to why he or she would make the best choice. As the two candidates attempt to win over the people of America, they have also had to endure allegations that cast a harsh light on their campaign. Whether it is Clinton’s criminal investigation regarding her distribution of classified emails or Trump’s offensive remarks towards women and other ethnicities, both are trying to propose what they can do to better America. “The most important aspect in voting will be the people choosing the best candidate to move forward as a country,” said local political activist Joy Newcom.

“I think it’s a very important election–more than other elections in the past.” said Newcom. “It will determine how we move forward as a country. I think people who are voting need to look and see who is best prepared for the challenges that our country faces as well as working together on issues like immigration and gun control.”

For people and students who are looking to vote, early voter registrations are available in Iowa and can be done at the Forest City court house.

Winnebago county auditor Karla Weiss recommends for undecided voters.

“What you can do on this website is take a quiz, and it will match you up with what candidate best suits you,” said Weiss.

With the election rapidly approaching on Tuesday Nov. 8, voting is a crucial factor in determining how the country will be run for the near future.