Photo Club Gets Approved

By Sierra Kearns
Attention all artists, photographers, photojournalists, and photography enthusiasts: there is a new club coming to Waldorf University.
On Thursday, Jan. 30, Noah Keolanui-Herman went in front of the Waldorf Student Senate and received news that his new photography club was approved.
Keolanui-Herman has been working toward getting a photo club started at Waldorf since fall semester. He and another student realized there was a lack creative outlets for photography in the Waldorf community. That conversation is what sparked inspiration for photo club.
He said his reason for wanting to start a photo club is that he, “wanted to bring photography to the students here at Waldorf, so they can find a way to express themselves.” He hopes to be able to bring a love and passion for photography out in other students here at Waldorf.
What can one expect out of photo club? Noah described his vision of photo club as being a place where students can come to show off their work, receive constructive criticism, better their photography skills through guest speakers, movies and field trips and have fun. For the first meeting, Noah and Professor David Damm, one of the faculty supervisors for the photo club, are hoping to get the students’ opinion on what they expect out of photo club as well.
Professor Damm, who has been teaching at Waldorf for 33 years, said “there has always been a photography class, but never a photography club.”
Those who choose to join photo club will be the pioneers that help shape what the club will become in semesters to come. The photo club will be the first official way students can have fun and discover a new passion for photography outside of Professor Damm’s photojournalism class.
Noah and Professor Damm are both hoping to get a first club meeting scheduled by the end of February. Both assure that anyone and everyone is welcome to join regardless of previous photography experience or lack thereof.
Noah wants his club to be a place for people to meet and “find this mutual connection” as he put it.
“Just come,” Keolanui-Herman said. “Come with an open mind. Come with a feel for passion and interest. Just ask questions. I want this club to be open to everybody.”