Paranormal Society Haunted Hike for Halloween

Paranormal Society meets every Thursday. Photo courtesy of Waldorf Paranormal Society
By: Jaci Olson
The Waldorf University Paranormal Society hosted their annual Halloween Haunted Hike on Oct. 21, 2016 and Halloween night, Oct. 31, 2016.
“This is the club’s third year, so I’m very excited to see it growing,” said Justin Benjegerdes, full time employee of Waldorf, a paranormal investigator and one of the founders and head adviser of the club.
“We had a little over 180 people between the two nights. We started planning the hike in early September with breaks for homecoming and other things. Several people donated a lot of time and money to build props and decorations. As we use public city property, we have to setup the day of and tear down by the next day. We are incredibly fortune to have a Parks and Rec department that is so supportive of this event,” said Benjegerdes.