Intramural Volleyball Sets up for the Season
By Kaylee Schuermann

Feb. 3 marked the kickoff of Waldorf University’s intramural volleyball season at Forest City’s YMCA gym.
Monday night saw three games between 9-11 p.m. won by Team Savanna, Cali Girls and Boom Shaka Laka.
Landon Watkins, a criminal justice major, was nothing short of excited to play his first-ever game of intramural volleyball at Waldorf.
“We got the whole gang together and we got to play,” Watkins said. “It was fun.”
Sure enough, students having fun in these activities is the primary goal of Mike Brosenee, Waldorf’s Intramurals Director. He wants to allow students to escape from their daily routines of classes, practices and clubs and allow them to reprieve during intramurals.
Still in his first year as the director at the university, Brosenne has worked to make intramurals a positive experience for the students.
To keep the games running smoothly, he set score regulations: the first two sets are played to 15 and the third set to 11. He has also implemented a ruling that no more than two of Waldorf’s volleyball players can be on the same team to prevent dominating the competition.
Brosenne has worked to ensure each team is guaranteed at least five games prior to the single-elimination playoffs.
Preceding Monday’s games, Brosenne held a staff meeting. By handing out informational sheets about rules and signals to the referees, he hoped they would have enough knowledge to fairly call the games.
With eight teams competing for the championship T-shirts, Brosenne encourages everyone to attend the games.
“Come out and support your friends,” Brosenne said. “Come out and support volleyball in general and have a really good time with it.”
Regular season games are every Monday night until March 2, leaving playoff dates on March 16 and 23. All games are located in the YMCA gym at 9:10 p.m., 9:40 p.m. and 10:10 p.m.