Cheer showcase

Waldorf University Cheer Captain, Tyra Brown stands out with her bright personality on and off the mat. Photo by Shannon Clark
By Tyra Brown
On Sunday February 18th, the Waldorf cheer team opened the doors to the Hanson Fieldhouse to showcase their competition routine before they take the floor on Friday February 23rd in the NAIA Regional Qualifier competition in Sioux City, Iowa.
The event was hosted for families and friends to gather and watch the two minute and fifth teen second routine, it turns out more than just family and friends showed up to support and watch the team put on their routine. Professors, coworkers, old coaches and even President Bob Alsop was in attendance Sunday night full of smiles and eagerness to see the girls preform.
The showcase started with the team’s ritual or superstition of patting freshman base/flyer Payton Skjeie’s head before taking the floor to put out an entertaining routine with a few mistakes. The second go around was followed by a routine that would top the first one.
Freshman base Savanna Nasgovitz had a great time performing on the mats. “It was great to have a crowd full our of our family and friends cheering us on.” Said Nasgovitz.
Spectator and Friend Derris key was surprised by the performance, “I loved seeing our Waldorf cheerleader’s hard work and dedication pay off.” Said Key “The stunts were amazing and the dance routine was incredible.” Said Key.
The Waldorf Cheerleading team is in their second year competing in the NAIA. The squad is led by first year coach, and Waldorf alumnus Faith Robbins. “The showcase was a great opportunity for us to preform our routine for family, friends, and the Waldorf community.” Said Robbins “It was a way to show all the hard work the team has put in this year.” Said Robbins
The all-girl squad is set to take on up to fifth teen teams this weekend in the Northwest region qualifier competition. The first place winner in the region will advance to the NAIA national competition in Oklahoma City on March 9 and 10