A passport to adventure: Europe Trip 2016

A passport is one of the items some students had to acquire in preparation for the Communications/Honors Europe trip. Photo by Megan Brandrup
By Megan Brandrup
This summer a select number of communications and honors students will spend three weeks touring different countries in Europe, exploring museums, seeing shows, visiting historical places and immersing themselves in the culture.
“I’m so excited for Europe,” said Waldorf senior Molly Maschka.
The first leg of the three-week adventure takes place in Italy. The first city these lucky students will visit Rome, Italy. While in Rome, students will get to experience all of the sights and sounds of the city. Eating gelato on the Spanish steps, tossing a coin into the Trevi Fountain, and picturing great battles in the Coliseum are just a few of the types of experiences these students are looking forward to having while in Italy.
“I am most excited for when we visit Venice,” said Waldorf senior Darien Walsh. “I feel like one of my dreams are coming true. I have always felt a strong desire to travel. It’s almost surreal, because I have never been out of the country before. I guess the excitement hasn’t fully hit me yet.”
Students and faculty will spend May 12 through May 22 exploring different regions of Italy. Some of the many sites they will see while there include the Spanish Steps, the Trevi Fountain and the Coliseum. Students will also visit the Vatican, the Sistine Chapel and walk the halls of the Borghese Gallery.
Paris and France are next on the list for the adventure. Here they will visit the Louvre Art Museum, stroll by the Eiffel Tower, and spend time walking the streets of Paris to discover all the city has to offer.
“I am beyond excited to learn about new cultures and see the Eiffel Tower because it has always been a dream of mine to see it,” said Waldorf junior Katie Wilcox.
Maschka expressed the same excitement over seeing the Eiffel Tower. “What I am most excited to see while in Europe is the Eiffel Tower in Paris. It has always been one of my favorite architectural sites to see. My dorm room is covered with Eiffel Tower posters. I will probably cry when I finally get to see it in person.”
The final few days of the trip will be spent in London, England.
“I am most excited to go to the Beatles store and visit the Sherlock Holmes Museum when we are in London,” Walsh said. “I am also really excited to ride on one of the bright red, double-decker buses while there too.”
Overall, the emotions of the students are fairly unanimous, excitement and a desire to learn about other cultures are what make the month and a half wait almost torturous.
Honor students and communication majors are given the opportunity to participate in the Europe trip every two years. Although cost may seem high, the experiences you will have, and the sights you will see and visit, make the price seem less important. The next trip to Europe will be in 2018.