The Top 5 Commercials of Super Bowl LII
By Kyle Ennis

Super Bowl commercials are some of the best things in the world. The fact that some people will sit through an entire football game just to watch commercials is baffling to me, at least until Super Bowl LII. After watching, I fully understand why people do so.
The game sucked. Just because defense wins championships doesn’t mean we want them to.
That being said, I really enjoyed the commercials! When I look back at some of the iconic commercials throughout the years—the Doritos “Magic Snowglobe” or the Budweiser ones with the dog and the horse—I can’t help but see some of the charm of those commercials coming back.
Here’s my list of the best commercials of Super Bowl LII:
5.) Febreze – Super Bowl Party Prep
This ad seems simple at first—just a normal Febreze commercial starring Terrell Owens. However, as the commercial progresses, things go downhill.
The Febreze hasn’t arrived on set yet, so T.O. and his supporting cast have to endure the heinous smell of Super Bowl parties. They all start to freak out over the smell, and one actor even faints. The Febreze guy arrives to an empty, ruined set.
While the joke was kind of lame, the insanity and mishaps of this ad made it a great watch, although I didn’t eat for a while after watching it.
4.) Planters’ Nuts – Charlie Sheen
When I watched the first part of the ad I thought to myself “Okay, that was cool”, and it was. A giant peanut mobile doing crazy stunts is awesome. Then Charlie Sheen came on screen and I lost it. That man, without a doubt, had the best one-liner in Super Bowl LII. The commercial ends with Mr. Peanut flying through the window of a Super Bowl commercial, replacing the kale chips with a box of Planters’ Mixed Nuts.
The commercial was epic, but the inclusion of Charlie Sheen really set it over the edge.
Bold move, fancy peanut man, bold move.
3.) We All Win – Microsoft
I had to put one ad on this list that really hits you with the feels, and this one definitely did.
This ad tells the story of children with disabilities and their experiences using the new Adaptive Controller for the Xbox One. The kids talk about how they don’t feel left out because they can play like the others, and their parents are in tears explaining how happy it makes their children.
What can I say? I’m a sucker for cute sappy stuff.
2.) The 100 Year Game – NFL
There have been commercials in the past that like to take you on a nostalgia trip—this ad is the epitome of that.
The ad is focused around a ceremony celebrating the NFL’s 100th year. The ad stars a plethora of current and former NFL stars playing a crazy game of fumblerooski. I’m not entirely sure why Ninja (a gaming celebrity) is in it, but I’m sure he had a good time.
1.) Not Everything Makes the Cut – Amazon
This commercial was gold! It tells the story of all the different utilities and things that they’ve tried to implement them into—like a toothbrush or hot tub, for example—and the hilariousness that ensues.
You can’t hear the toothbrush when it’s in your mouth and the hot tub makes for an annoying experience.
Nothing is funnier than Harrison Ford chasing his dog around the house to cancel orders for dog food, though.