Simple guidelines could help reduce campus violence

A reminder hangs on a dorm telling residents to escort guests as a form of campus security. Photo by Shannon Clark
By Shannon Clark
Violence is a major issue on campuses across the nation. Fortunately, Waldorf College has several precautions. However, student cooperation is vital to a safe campus.
Following an incident early last week, students are being asked to take safety precautions with the utmost of seriousness. In fact, all students were sent an email by Dean of Students, Jason Ramaker regarding the situation. The incident involved three male Waldorf students entering a female room uninvited. The scene occurred at Johnson and London Hall. None of the three male students lived in the hall they entered. According to the email, the males were intoxicated and behaved violently with threats and verbal abuse. While the parties did know one another, there is no excuse for the reported assault, vandalism, harassment and threats.
Additionally, the email described safety guidelines all students are encouraged to take in order to reduce campus violence. First, opening the doors to non-residents of a building violates the student code of conduct. However, non-residents are allowed in halls if they are properly escorted by a resident of that particular hall. Next, Waldorf College has excellent staff members that are willing to help in serious situations. If there are problems involving loud, drunken or abusive behavior, contacting a staff member is a possibility. Another highly important safety guideline is locking one’s door at night. This is a simple, easy way to prevent crime. Finally, calling the police or emergency number are always an option.
According to a study done by Break the Cycle Inc. in 2005, on college campuses, 90 percent of sexual assault victims know their attacker. While the incident at Waldorf was not a sexual assault, the statistic does correlate with the relationship between the victim and attacker. The truth is, handling a situation with violence when the victim knows the opposite party, and is aware of his or her intoxication, is difficult.
Mikayla Fisher, Resident Assistant (RA) for the victims, provided advice, “Call security right away and get an RA or two to help.”
Finally, Fisher was able to relay an important message to fellow RA’s who may encounter the same situation down the road, “Be aware of things. Listen carefully to things that aren’t normal on the floor. Take all precautions, and advise your residents to always have their doors locked.”
All in all, Fisher’s advice to both victims and RA’s displays the exact wisdom needed by a Warrior leader, and all students would benefit greatly by following her precautions.