Like Fire speaker series offers encouragement and inspiration

Valerie Gonzalez attends a Like Fire Speakers Series in Gatsby’s on Waldorf College campus. Photo courtesy Erisha Menon
By Erisha Menon
Waldorf College’s Like Fire Campus Ministry decided to introduce their program again this Spring semester. Like Fire is held at Gatsby’s every Monday at 7:30 p.m.
The speaker series is a key part of their weekly Like Fire event. This semesters speaker series showcases students, staff members and religious leader speakers to share and motivate individuals with their testimonies.
“The speakers we invite to Like Fire encourages, gives wisdom and makes the audience question themselves,” said Antoine Cummins, Student Outreach Coordinator and Advisor of Lutheran Campus Ministry. He also said the main message the speakers would like to convey is “how do we live like Christ” and “how do we make his name known.”
Speakers share their personal testimonies and at the end give the audience questions to answer. The audience will break into groups and discuss the questions. Through this, everyone can see the difference in terms of perspective of people on a certain subject. This method can also help motivate and strengthen ones faith in God.
“Through the speaker series, I could learn what people went through and we should not judge people,” said Valerie Gonzalez, Waldorf criminal justice major. “I also learned how to overcome challenges in life that sometimes shake my faith in God.”
Another student that attended the Like Fire Speaker Series also said they would like to have future speakers to open up their eyes to something they never thought about themselves that needed to be changed for the better.