Knit-wits resurrected on campus

Allie Baker enjoys a moment of relaxation knitting at the recent KnitWits gathering. Photo courtesy Darien Walsh
By Darien Walsh
Elizabeth Kunze, the newest librarian at Waldorf’s Luise V. Hanson Library, has brought the Knit-Wits back to life and back to campus.
The Knit-Wits club is not only for knitters. It’s also for those who love to crochet, sew, cross-stitch, quilt and be crafty. The club also welcomes those who perhaps don’t know how to knit or crochet, but would like to learn.
“I really like knitting,” says Kunze, “so I had some personal motivation to start it back up again. Students also have stress, and knitting can be a stress reliever.”
College students having stress is a no-brainer, and many students find relief by doing several things: listening to music, writing, playing video games and knitting.
Jessica Dolan is one student who finds knitting enjoyable and a great way to relieve the stress of college life.
“I love being crafty,” Dolan said, “I love anything that has to do with fabric and needles. When I become overwhelmed, all I want to do is knit.”
To sit down and do it with other people is not only a way to relieve stress but a good bonding experience too.
“I always start projects, but never finish,” said Dolan, “being in a group is good motivation.”
“It’s fun to work on it together,” said Kunze, “and it’s a nice use of the library for recreation.”
Members of the Knit-Wits discuss and share thoughts and ideas while crafting together, and not all of their conversations are necessarily about knitting, crocheting or crafting at all.
“It’s a good chance just to sit and relax,” said Kunze, “to take your mind off stresses, learn new things and discuss with others.”
The Knit-Wits have a very flexible schedule, and currently meet on Wednesday evenings at 5:30 p.m.
Contact Elizabeth Kunze for more information atĀ