WWiL in charge of recycling
By Guzel Tuhbatullina
Recycling has been a hot topic recently on the campus of Waldorf University. While the plan for setting up the recycling system at Waldorf is in progress, Biology club chose to look for the one most crucial missing puzzle piece, the lead.
A possible solution for this problem was found by the president of the Biology club Sara Vattelson-Trutza, and two other members, Nancy Ibarra-Rangel and Kyla Kern. They are also part of a big group on campus, Warrior Women in Leadership. Currently, WWiL is going through minor revisions since they got a new director, Renae Littrell. The program did not have a full-time director until now. Most of the work has been done by admission counselor Cassie Ruud and student orientation coordinator Sharese Hall.
Ibarra-Rangel, Kern, and Vettelson-Trutza arose the idea of having WWiL girls being responsible for part of the recycling program. Since the leadership for the recycling plan is still questionable “why not give it to women who can use their leadership skills on such important issue and get their hands-on experience,” Ibarra-Rangel said. “That could help us fulfill the duty of WWIL as leaders because we suppose to lead a movement,” Ibarra-Rangel added.
Girls are planning on rising this subject at the upcoming meeting with a new director of WWiL and hoping to make recycling a part of the program. WWiL program has different affinities that have their own point system and responsibilities. The idea is that every affinity of the program would take the charge to recycle in their area. By doing this, girls would get points for their leadership activity.
As of right now, ladies of the new members of WWiL signed to be a part of volunteer team for Biology club. “The biology group has only a few people so we are very excited to have people join us,” Ibarra-Rangel said.
Biology club is also teaming up with KZOW, the school radio station, to do a fun activity for the upcoming green week. “It would be nice to have more people working on this issue,” Vettelson-Trutza said.