Warm Weather and Lifted Spirits: Spring Concert 2019
By Kyle Ennis

The Waldorf Choir and Wind Symphony will be hosting the annual spring concert on Wednesday, March 13.
Despite inclement weather conditions throughout the term, the show must go on! Professors Joel Everist and Cory Schmitt have been working hard with their students to provide an entertaining night for all to enjoy.
The Waldorf Choir has compiled a wide variety of songs for this year’s Spring Concert. The choir will be performing Franz Joseph Haydn’s “Gloria,” “Blessed Be the Name of the Lord”, and “Balia Di Sehu”— a song written in Papiamento, a native South American language—along with other pieces.
The Waldorf Wind Symphony will be playing “Be Thou My Vision,” written by Travis J. Cross, Robert Jager’s “Third Suite,” and others. Both directors and their students are very excited to share their hard work and talent with the Waldorf community!
The Spring Concert hopes to celebrate the return of warm weather and lifted spirits in the Forest City area. The concert will also be celebrating the new Boman Fine Arts Center. Construction was completed on the fine arts center this school year, and it has already made an immense impact on the local fine arts organizations. With a large stage, advanced fly rail system and beautiful light system, this building has and will continue to showcase amazing theatre productions and concerts for generations to come.
Professors Everist, Schmitt, and the entire music faculty look forward to the spring concert and Wednesday, March 13. The concert will be held in the Boman Fine Arts Center at 7:30 p.m.