Waldorf Helps to Save Lives

Cathy Stensland, Waldorf Financial Aide Counselor, goes under the needle to help pay back a gift given to her in the past.
By: Taylor Reeves
Thursday September 25, Waldorf held their annual fall semester blood drive with Live Serve in the Atrium.
LifeServe Blood Center provides blood and blood products to more than 100 hospitals located across Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota. They’re one of the 15 largest blood centers in the country.
Last year Live Serve received 52 donations during their Waldorf visit. This year, the goal was to beat that number by receiving 60 donations.
Falling a little short, this year’s drive brought in 45 registered donations, 31 procedures were done (19 of those being first time donors), and 34 pints were collected. Those 34 pints will possibly help to save 102 patients.
Nurse Mary Mathiasen said, “I’m thankful for everyone that donated and everyone who helped work at the blood drive. Your help was greatly appreciated saving lives, working the food table, help setting up or tearing down the tables and escorting donors to all the stations.”
Leslie Grothe, Assistant Registrar, said, “Needles don’t bother me so it is a time to relax for me. I will continue to give blood when they stop here at Waldorf. I give to Life Serve and the Red Cross when they are here. I have given the two years I have been employed here at Waldorf. I gave blood many years ago when they came to my previous worksite also. Giving blood is just a small way to help others.”
Cathy Stensland, Waldorf Financial Aide Counselor, said, “I give blood because a very long time ago some kind soul helped save my life when I had emergency surgery and needed a blood transfusion. Donating blood is my way of paying it forward. I’m not crazy about needles and I can’t look at the bags of blood because I get queasy but I will definitely continue to donate blood. Plus Nurse Mary makes it so easy to donate blood on campus.”
Keep your eyes and ears open for next semester, when our annual spring blood drive will be held and don’t forget to sign up! The spring blood drive will be held through the America Red Cross Association.
By Taylor Reeves