Waldorf football holds inter-squad scrimmage

By Joseph Halverson
On April 24, Waldorf football held an inter-squad scrimmage after their scheduled scrimmage was canceled with Upper Iowa.
Waldorf football was scheduled to scrimmage against Upper Iowa, a division 2 NCAA team located in Fayette, Iowa. The event was supposed to be held in Fayette as well.
On Friday, Will Finley, head coach of Waldorf football, announced to the team and the public Upper Iowa had canceled due to COVID-19 concerns. This announcement came less than 24 hours before the game was to be held.
Upper Iowa was forced to cancel after the team encountered two positive COVID tests and several contact traces.
After finding out about the news, Waldorf football decided to have an inter-squad scrimmage.
At first, several Waldorf football players were unable to compete in the scrimmage because of eligibility reasons, but due to the event being inter-squad, everyone on the team was able to compete.
This scrimmage had drills such as one on ones, pass skeleton, down and distance scenarios, live and two-minute drill. The event took place for about three hours.
Sophomore safety, Kasen Handal, was one of the participants in the scrimmage.
“I thought the scrimmage went well,” Handal said. “Of course, a majority of the team and myself were disappointed Upper Iowa canceled, but I think the scrimmage here was just as beneficial to the team as if we were to travel to Fayette.”
Handal also was happy to play with his teammates.
“I think, because of scrimmaging against each other, there was more of a brotherhood factor,” Handal said. “People weren’t going to take dirty hits and there wasn’t going to be any unnecessary fights because we’ve been practicing for a month together now and we all respect each other.”
This was Waldorf football’s only competitive event for the semester. They will begin practice and their regular season in August of 2021.