The Waldorf Literary Review | The Lobbyist
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The Waldorf Literary Review

By Megan Brandrup

The Waldorf Literary Review works to share the creative works of Waldorf students, staff, teachers and community members. The literary review consists of many types of creative content. This includes photography, paintings, drawings, sculpture, poetry, short stories and other writings. The literary review was created in the hopes it would awaken the creative spirit on campus, and also open the lines of communication on a creative and intellectual level.

Formerly known as “The Crusader,” “The Waldorf Literary Review” showcases the works of many Waldorf-related people. The journal mission statement reads, “Produced annually, Waldorf Literary Review endeavors to further the intellectual and artistic conversation at Waldorf College by providing a public venue for the strongest, most vital creative work that gets submitted.”

Professor Tim Bascom, who acts as the faculty leader for the review, is very excited about the production of the review. “I am proud of the professional way that the staff produce the magazine each year, soliciting new pieces of art and writing, evaluating them with care, seeking changes that will strengthen them, and eventually organizing them into a classy, visually-engaging collection,” said Bascom.

The time for submissions has started once again. The Waldorf Literary Review is asking you have your pieces in by November 16.

When asked about how she thinks this newest edition will turn out, Audrey Sparks said, “..We are already seeing a much broader spectrum of literature styles being submitted. We have also seen a huge increase in artistic works…”

The future of the Waldorf Review is looking very bright, ” We are getting more savvy about how to maintain a recognizable “branded” look, and I hope we can become even more sophisticated about the content and form of the magazine, eventually opening up to a wider circle of authors,” said Bascom.  Bascom also hopes to expand the reach of the review by utilizing facebook and social media.

Considering submitting something you have created? Audrey Sparks offers up what she, as an editor looks for when reviewing submissions.

“We look for original works. You know, something that catches your attention. That being said, we always look for effective content with masterful use of whatever style of writing the individual is submitting. We apply very similar standards to the artwork, photography, sculpture, woodoworking, etc., that we accept,” said Sparks.

If you are interested in submitting you can email works to the literary review staff at waldorfliteraryreview@gmail.com. All pieces must be original works. They also ask that if you are submitting a sculpture or three dimensional piece, you take a clean, well lit photo of the work and include a descriptive caption and title.