Tastes of The World | The Lobbyist
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Tastes of The World

By: Wragner Daceus

Students from Brazil, Ghana, Russia and many more various countries represented in Waldorf University’s Annual Tastes of the World event.

Every country that participated, each had their own station where they included a special dish from their own country, and specific information about their country as well. Many families from the community and students from the school came to the event and visited each station there was.

I made sure I came on an empty stomach so I could try all of the various dishes they had to offer. There were many things I have never tasted or even thought I would eat before. For example, Gizzard was one of the dishes being offered. Personally, I was a little skeptical about trying gizzard because I have never tried it before, and I did not think many people did. Honestly, after my first plate I went back for seconds it was quite delightful. Gizzard is a dish I would recommend for everyone to try.

As a matter of fact, all of the dishes that were served were well made. The food was just one of the great parts of the event. The talent show is what seemed to get everyone going. Many of the participants gave us a taste of how their culture gets their groove on. Personally, I loved all the different types of dancing and singing that was performed, but my favorite was the performance by our fellow Indonesian student Dina Gumay.

It was very exciting and amazing. All in all, the tastes of the world event was very successful and I personally cannot wait until they host an event like that again soon. I learned a lot from this event and about the backgrounds of our international students.