Senior Artshow: Featuring Rachael Jordahl and Shannon Christianson | The Lobbyist
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Senior Artshow: Featuring Rachael Jordahl and Shannon Christianson

Rachel Jordahl by her drawing. Photo by Rachel Lynch

Rachel Jordahl by her drawing. Photo by Rachel Lynch

By Rachel Lynch

Rachael Jordahl, of Forest City, Iowa, along with Shannon Christianson, of Fairmont, Minnesota, showcased their collections of artwork on April 1 in the Waldorf University Art Gallery. The showing was not only a final step in earning their Art Minors, but a way for them to show off some of their favorite pieces they have been working on and collecting for the past few years.

In preparation for the show, both Jordahl and Christianson have been collecting some of their favorite pieces they’ve created since their sophomore year, along with creating at least three new pieces. They also had to do all the promoting of their show by creating posters, telling people and sending in information to the Waldorf radio, T.V. and newspaper.

Christianson was excited to show her primary butterflies collection, which included  a series of three butterfly paintings: one yellow, one blue and one red with touches of blue and yellow.

“I like how simple they can be,” Christianson said. “You can put so much detail into one organism and not have anything else with it.”

Chistianson also commented that she was excited to show off her work; she loves to see how her art makes people react and that it is nice to be recognized. However, she was not looking forward to speaking in front of everyone at the art show.

Jordahl was also just as nervous about the public speaking but just as excited to show off her art. Her favorite piece was titled “Hope,” a charcoal and pencil drawing of a cat.

“Dean [the art professor] challenged me to draw something more realistic,” Jordahl said. “I really surprised myself, so that’s why it’s my favorite.”

Jordahl and Christianson are both seniors at Waldorf University majoring in Communications-Graphic Design with Art Minors. After graduating in May, Jordahl will be focusing on a summer internship and eventually continue her education in animation. Christianson is currently looking to start her career in Graphic Design.