S.W.A.T. provides students with a day at Mount Kato

Waldorf S.W.A.T. coordinated a day trip filled with fun at Mount Kato ski resort. Photo by Victoria Carra
By Victoria Carra
On Saturday, Jan. 23, Waldorf’s Social Warrior Activities Team (S.W.A.T.) made it possible for a group of students to head up to Mankato, Minnesota, for some good clean tubing fun. After a two hour bus ride full of anticipation, and the movie Dodgeball, they had finally arrived at Mount Kato Ski Resort. Excitement could be seen in some of the students’ eyes, as they looked up at the mountain. Feeling the cool air on their faces, it was finally time.
Once they arrived to the hill for tubing, the man that runs the resort gave the group a simple statement, “The rules don’t apply to you. Just have fun, don’t get hurt and don’t hit any children.”
Now, that statement sounds pretty extreme, but most of the students were still pretty responsible. Many got the chance to try new and exciting things on the hill. A group of girls at one point tried standing on tubes, and many had the experience of falling off their tube and rolling down the hill, a little like a cartoon, nearly turning into giant snowballs. Luckily snow is pretty soft to land on, so all the students were having a pretty great time.
First time tuber, Sydney Beasley, said, “It was great to get off campus for the day and try something new. I loved that I was able to spend the day with my friends and hopefully we will come back here again.”
Mount Kato was a great trip for everyone, three hours of tubing and spending time with friends was made possible by the ever active campus organization called S.W.A.T. Keep an eye out for future events to be coordinated by this campus organization.