Paranormal Society
By Erisha Menon
The Paranormal Society, a brand new club which was established in the spring semester of 2014, is once again back on track this year.
Justin Benjegerdes is the staff advisor for the Waldorf Paranormal Society. Benjegerdes is a full time employee at Waldorf in Facility Services and a certified paranormal investigator.
“One expectation we all want is to see any activities that can show us the presence of an afterlife or such things as spirits that is still lingering around,” said Cassidy Warson, officer of the Paranormal Society.
The clubs main goal this year is to go to Villisca, Iowa where the Villisca Axe Murder House is located. The house was the location where a person murdered everyone who lived in the house with an axe while they were sleeping.
“Another thing about this club is that it is not only for ghost hunting,” said Benjegerdes. “It is supposed to also be a safe place for people who have had experiences of their own to be able to come and talk about it without being looked down upon or ridiculed.”
Member are interested in paranormal activities because of the mystery and how it makes them wonder about what is out there. The Paranormal Society invites everybody to come, whether they believe in the paranormal or not, to check it out and ask questions. Benjegerdes also said the society is not just all about hunting ghosts or spirits but for people to come and talk about their experiences, beliefs and interests.
“We want to peek in every member’s interest,” Benjegerdes said.