Love Your Melon: Keeping Your Head and Heart Warm

Some beanies from Love Your Melon that the crew had for sale in the atrium. Photo by Shannon Christianson
By Shannon Christianson
A new fashion trend has blown up on Waldorf campus, warm, knitted hats from the national college student run program, Love Your Melon (LYM). The idea is with every hat you buy, a child gets a hat as well. Some Waldorf students have started a “crew” on campus.
“What our Waldorf crew does is promote and get the word out there that we as college students can make a difference in a child’s life,” Haley Mokelstad, member of the Waldorf LYM crew, said. “I joined the crew because I believe that we can make that difference and it’s such a great cause,”
According to the LYM mission statement, “Love Your Melon is an apparel brand run by college students across the country on a mission to give a hat to every child battling cancer in America. Love Your Melon has reserved more than 45,000 hats to donate to children battling cancer in the United States through its original buy one, give one program. This is equal to the number of children currently undergoing cancer treatment in the country. The hats are donated in person at hospitals nationally by Love Your Melon college ambassadors dressed as superheroes.”
If you wish to help the cause by buying a hat, get in contact with any of the crew members and they’ll help you out. Sometimes they’ll even have a table out in the atrium with merchandise. The crew members also post often on social media about what is new with LYM.
“Help someone with cancer, cool,” said Kyle Swiderski. “Help a child with cancer, even better.”
If you wish to learn more about Love Your Melon, check out their website