Like Fire Returns | The Lobbyist
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Like Fire Returns

Like Fire volunteers at the Community Kitchen in Nov. 2019 (Photo from the Like Fire Facebook page)

By Hannah Wagner

With the exception of a meeting to gauge interest early this semester, Like Fire Campus Ministry (Like Fire) returned to the Waldorf campus on Feb. 16 after being inactive since last spring. Their first meeting included music, discussion and free food and drink.

Affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), Like Fire is a student run organization aimed to encourage spirituality, service, and fellowship on Waldorf University campus, according to their Facebook page. It was founded in the spring of 2011 and spearheaded by Rev. Greg Anderson.

Eric Adamcik, Director of Campus Ministry, encourages all students to come see for themselves what this organization is all about.

“I’d say it’s beneficial to students in providing a space for all, where they can come be themselves in a laid back worship setting and have a weekly meal.” Adamcik says. “It builds close community to such an extent that non-Christians come in to worship with us, because we are so welcoming.”

Adamcik also emboldens those interested to ask questions about their faith and feel comfortable to do so, non-Christians included. He also  “I know there is some taboo around honest questions in terms of politeness, but if you have questions, we will work on discerning answers together.” Adamcik said. “Come and feel free to ask questions about your faith and others,’ because those questions will strengthen your faith.” 

Last year, Like Fire hosted a handful of volunteer opportunities through the Volunteer Task Force. They presented experiences like volunteering at the Manly Care Center, North Iowa Humane Society and the community kitchen. A few other events the organization attended was the Manly Community Lent Service and retreats to Iowa State University and Wartburg Seminary.

Like Fire Campus Ministry is about allowing individuals to come together, ask questions, give insight, discuss faith and feel comfortable doing so.

Like Fire gathers once a week at 5:30 p.m. in Gatsby’s Grill on campus. Check your Waldorf email for more details or email Erik Adamcik.