How to Deal with Homesickness | The Lobbyist
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How to Deal with Homesickness

By Robert Ornelas

College life can be very exciting–you’re exposed to a new environment, open to new things and are given a newfound form of independence, but more times than not students begin to feel stuck, and miss their families.

Homesickness is something we all go through, whether you’re a freshman or senior and it’s normal. Here are a few things that may help with this issue.

People tend to get homesick when you are uncomfortable, meaning that most of us are used to talking to our family and seeing them everyday. The next best thing is to stay connected with your family. But at the same time you can’t be too connected because then you won’t grow or ever feel comfortable in this new place. 

In college, students have a lot on their mind, which can be bad, but at the same time good because for some, it keeps their minds from going into that dark place. If you focus on other things like sports, homework and personal health then it can help with the homesickness.

Stay busy, you’ll get a lot done. Whether that’s school work, sports related or personal stuff, you’ll feel accomplished. You’ll also get the additional benefit of keeping your mind off home.

When we’re homesick it’s not just for our family, but our old friends. One solution is to make new friends. Find people that you can be yourself around. This will help you feel at home at college–your new temporary home.

Speaking of new homes, when moving into your dorm or even when visiting family on breaks, try to bring something back to school that will remind you of home. You could bring pictures of family and friends, a gift or even something from your childhood. Bring anything that has a positive association attached to it.

On the topic of positivity, keep a positive attitude. Try to remember that the feelings you have are ones every student goes through. Just keep the notion that everything will work out in the back of your mind.