Fine Arts Weekend | The Lobbyist
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Fine Arts Weekend

Marlon Banks and Jackie Imsande play an improv game during the Waldorf College recent Fine Arts Weekend. Photo courtesy Maggie Kretzmann

Marlon Banks and Jackie Imsande play an improv game during the Waldorf College recent Fine Arts Weekend. Photo courtesy Maggie Kretzmann

By Maggie Kretzmann

Most Fridays on campus are pretty chill, but today Waldorf was abuzz with excitement. KZOW was holding their annual Valentine’s Day event in the atrium, the theatre recently kicked off a new show, and the Fine Arts department recently hosted a Fine Arts weekend, where perspective students who are interested in, you guessed it, the fine arts departments get to come to Waldorf and witness a firsthand experience.

“Fine arts weekend is a great opportunity for students from all over the country that we’ve been communicating with to check out the school. It’s basically like an open house but it’s way better because it’s fine arts weekend,” said Lauren Schryver, Graduate Assistant of the Waldorf theatre department.

Perspective students get to stay for the weekend with a theatre student, and during their stay are able to meet the fine arts faculty, attend theatre classes as well as band and choir, and go through workshops and audition for scholarships. They also get the chance to see the current production and go backstage and meet the cast and crew to see how plays are put on.

“Some of the times we’ve already met students and have already given them a scholarship so this is a good chance for them to get an inside look, but for those students who haven’t auditioned yet this is a great opportunity to receive the money and a chance for us to get to know them and for them to get to know us, and build a relationship with the students,” Schryver said.

Alexis Johnson, a freshman from Dallas, Texas and a previous student who attended fine arts weekend last year, had nothing but positive comments about the event.

“I enjoyed it,” Johnson said. “My favorite part was being able to interact with the upper classmen, and being able to stay on campus and being welcomed to the Waldorf community.”

When asked if she recommends fine arts weekend to other students, she said, “Yes, most definitely. It gives you the opportunity to see what goes on in the department, what are the things you can do on campus education-wise and free time and also get to see where you live.”

Fine arts weekend will be held one last time this year April 8-9. If you have any questions, feel free to call 641-585-8177 or email theatre@waldorf.edu or choir@waldorf.edu.