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A new face for Scoopy Doo’s

The new walls inside of Scoopy Doos. Photo by Ashleigh Stingley.

The new walls inside of Scoopy Doo’s. Photo by Ashleigh Stingley.

By Ashleigh Stingley

After five years of service, Scoopy Doo’s made a big move and this last weekend, they reopened in a new location.

The local restaurant moved a few buildings down the street from the old location. While it wasn’t a big move, time was taken to make the building presentable. This included shoveling snow, taking out leftover leaves from fall and painting and constructing the inside walls to what they envisioned.

Owner Julie Keely knew she needed to move the location.

“We needed a space cozier for people to visit,” said Keely. “We were also looking to feature our food more.”

She also stated people knew Scoopy Doo’s sold ice cream, but there were still customers that didn’t know they sold other items like sandwiches.

“The move has been fantastic,” said Keely. “People were excited about it and liked the new location.” Keely agreed with them, saying the shop was now closer to the main road and to Waldorf.

As expected, others took to the move quickly and happily. Stephen and Tamara Sheehen, residents of Forest City and owner of the new building that Scoopy Doo’s occupies, both expressed their excitement about the move.

“It’s a cheerier atmosphere,” said Tamara. “It better captures the energy of Scoopy Doo’s.”

“Plus, the view from the new windows helps the view for the customers,” said Stephen, who joked that there was a great view of the courthouse from the new location.

Both the Sheehens agreed that along with the seating, the menu now screamed fun. However, not much of the menu changed during the move.

“We redid the menu last November before we moved,” said Keely.

Scoopy Doo’s opened in Forest City in 2010. Keely was looking for something to do in town and thought that opening an ice cream shop was a fun idea. Before the move, Scoopy Doo’s had been at its last location for as long as it has been around.