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Haunted Hike

The SWAT sponsored annual Haunted Hike was a huge success.

The SWAT sponsored annual Haunted Hike was a huge success.

By Tara Kingland

Friday, October 10, SWAT sponsored their annual trip to the Haunted Hike at D and D Ranch in Clear Lake. According to Anjaih Clemons, director of student activities and orientation, the D and D Ranch is open year round but have designated “haunt dates” throughout October.

Friends and family of the D and D Ranch put on this event. They have ‘actors’, ranging from about 10-30 years old, come from surrounding states to scare the visitors. “Last year there was a creepy little girl walking around carrying a teddy bear,” said SWAT officer Shaye Sutherland. “I swear she was only like 5-years-old!”
The Haunted Hike is centered around a barn on the ranch. The hike meanders both inside and outside. When visitors arrive at the ranch, they are split into groups of six. “Before going on the “hike” you are brought through the waiting area until it is your groups turn,” said Courtney Palmer. Once your turn is up you are sent through the doors and you begin the hike. “It consists of many turns and scares at each corner when you are least expecting it,” said Palmer.
Sutherland said the hike itself generally lasts 10-15 minutes. “The length really depends on how scared you are,” said Sutherland. “Some people get through it in just five minutes.” Jessie Serio attended last year and said her favorite part of the hike was seeing people get scared over little things.

According to Clemons, SWAT had over 60 people attend the hike this year, which was beyond what they anticipated and almost double what they had last year.

While the Haunted Hike is a free SWAT event, if someone was unable to attend with the group, they can go on their own for just $9. “The hike is an inexpensive event for people,” said Clemons. “The Hike seemed longer and a bit scarier than last year. Which means our money was worth it!”

For more information about the hike, visit or find them on Facebook at
SWAT will also be sponsoring a comedy series October 21-23 and a trip to ValleySCARE October 25.