Waldorf music department begins the season in perfect harmony | The Lobbyist
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Waldorf music department begins the season in perfect harmony

The Waldorf Choir - Homecoming Concert - Darien Walsh

The Waldorf Choir performing while being directed by Brett Robison. Photo by Darien Walsh

On Oct. 10, the Waldorf music department performed in their first major concert of the year.

Immanuel Lutheran Church was packed as Sangkor, Schola Cantorum, The Wind Symphony and The Waldorf Choir took stage and performed at the 2015 Homecoming Concert.

Sangkor, directed by Travis Beck, Sangkor Choir Director, began the concert by singing three pieces, including a beautiful arrangement of “Danny Boy.” Schola Cantorum, directed by Brett Robison, Assistant Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities, sang four pieces next, and then the Waldorf Wind Ensemble, directed by C. David Rutt, Director of Instrumental Activities and Director of the Wind Symphony, performed pieces including “A Copland Tribute” and John Philip Sousa’s famous “Liberty Bell March.” After a brief intermission, the Waldorf Choir took stage and performed a variety of songs, including “Baba Yetu,” the “Lord’s Prayer” sung in Swahili, and an upbeat song called “Nyon Nyon.”

Rutt said, “We did very well. I’m very pleased.  The response by many in the crowd seemed to echo my own feelings.”

The band has worked non-stop for the concert in order to be well prepared. “I really liked seeing the personal growth,” said Rutt. “It’s exciting as an educator and as a professor to see the band perform well and grow as a performing ensemble.”

Parents were not the only individuals in attendance. Professional colleagues, other professors at Waldorf and Waldorf administrators also attended. “There was a wide variety,” said Rutt, “not just music people.”

“If you liked this,” said Rutt, “just wait. Come to Christmas at Waldorf.”