The “Waldorf Literary Review” Preps for Launch

By Naomi Alvarez
Waldorf University’s on-campus literary journal, The Waldorf Literary Review, is a student-run forum for students to share their creative works. They accept submissions from students, staff, alumni and the Forest City community.
“There’s a section for Forest City High School students.” Adam Tan said. Tan is currently art editor for the Waldorf Literary Review and enrolled in the yearlong literary editing class, a three-credit course under the creative writing discipline.
Unlike in years previous, the journal is running a cover contest. They are accepting submissions for the cover of the journal, as well as poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, playwriting, satirical writing, and photography.
The journal’s limit on written work is 3,000 words, and one person can submit up to five submissions.
The Waldorf Literary Review team outsources their promotional materials to Grace “Gary” Huizenga, a former Waldorf student.
According to Doctor Ryan Clark, faculty advisor to the Waldorf Literary Review, “She still Skype (video chats) with the team from time to time to check up on things from her new location in California,” said Doctor Ryan Clark, faculty advisor to the Waldorf Literary Review. “The issue will be launched May 4, the Monday of finals week.”
The Waldorf Literary Review team will be accepting submissions until the end of the day on Wednesday, Feb. 19.
“As of right now, we need more graphic design, paintings and visual artwork.” Dr. Clark said.
The Waldorf Literary Review team will also be hosting their launch party in the Salveson Ballroom, where prizes will be awarded in each genre and journals will be distributed.