Money Hungry Waldorf | The Lobbyist
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Money Hungry Waldorf

By: Wragner Daceus

Many students here at Waldorf are angry, and no, this time, it’s not because of the stale pizza that’s served at dinner. Many student athletes here at Waldorf University are being charged extra to be able to stay on campus for the summer and are also being forced to pick up a meal plan that only consists of one meal a day.

Last year to be able to enroll in the summer workout program and to be able to stay on campus you were to pay about two hundred dollars and a meal plan wasn’t provided, but this year it is 375 dollars a month and they are forcing summer residents to pick up the meal plan provided which consists of only one meal a day. It is said people should eat at least three times a day, so some believe it is useless to be forced to pick up the meal plan because some of the students probably will be working during the café hours.

For that problem they intend to have the crossing open, but some think it’s not fair because of the food selection. The students who have to pick up earlier shifts and get off late won’t be able to select from different freshly cooked foods and get to eat till they’re full or be able to go back for seconds because they will be limited to the crossing. Most students will most likely be feeding themselves as they did last year.

Many Waldorf students have their opinions on the matter such as Waldorf football player, Zachary Glenn. “It is too expensive, and I feel like it should be an option instead of being forced because it is forcing students to live campus,” Glenn said. Glenn is one of the many students who had stayed in summer housing last year and felt he was eating well and healthy enough to be the best athlete he can be.

Students who are planning to stay for the summer find it unfair that they are being forced to get the meal plan. Many students don’t plan to stand for it. A letter of concern has already been sent to the school by some student athletes, as well as the student senate who is now setting up a committee to write a letter of concern as well to lower the pricing for housing and to make getting the meal plan optional.

Tracking down one of our student athletes who plans to stay for the summer and also the athlete who had the idea to come up with a petition to have the school lower the cost for students, Waldorf’s linebacker Moises Jauregui. Jauregui said, “I don’t think it’s fair for the school to try and force this upon our students. I feel like it would be better if they made the meal plan optional so for those of us who don’t really need it won’t be forced to pay so much for summer housing.” So he has started the petition to have a peaceful approach and see if the school can come to equal terms.