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How to Prepare for Finals

Rhoda Nyarko studying hard for finals

By: Kaylee Schuermann

Oh, the horror! The horror! This is the week dreaded by most college students. It creeps up on them without them even knowing. What is this week? It’s finals week.

Right now, finals for Waldorf University students are just four weeks away. To secure good grades for finals, it is best to start preparing immediately.

To begin, it is best to talk to the professors about what kind of final they will be giving. Some professors give finals in forms of papers, projects, or exams, so it is beneficial to understand what kind of final one is preparing for.

Next, make a study schedule. Map out when classes and activities are and figure out when there are available times to study for exams. Also, be sure to plan what material will be studied each day and week. Make sure to stick to this schedule.

It is useful to attend office hours. Go in and ask any questions needed to understand the material for the exam. Professors usually will assist with any questions about studying or the final.

Ask them what other things can be studied outside of the study guide as well. Remember that topics on the study guide are not the only things that could be on the exam.

Forming or joining study groups is also another beneficial way to prepare for a final exam. In the study group, make study guides and quizzes and share them with each other to study. Encourage each other to go together to any review sessions the professor may have and use that material to study together, too.

Studying in intervals is just one method of preparing for final exams. One way to study is to work for 30 minutes with a five minute break.

Another way is to study for 50 minutes with a 10 minute break. This will give your brain some time to rest. Nazik Toyliyeva, a Waldorf biology student, said this is her favorite way to study and believes it is very effective.

Sabrina Parcher, Assistant Director of Academic Achievement, suggests for students to focus on comprehending the material, instead of just trying to memorize it. If students only focus on memorizing material, they will not be able to understand it if it comes up in a form.

“When you are studying, you have to move past memorization into comprehension,” Parcher said. Many of the student that come into her office have the problem of “memorizing instead of actually learning the content.”

“When you haven’t moved past memorization into comprehension or application, you sit down and take the test and if the test is in a question format that you didn’t study or is worded differently than the way you studied, you’re not going to be able to recognize those things as easily,” Parcher continued.

She also pointed out that tests are in question format; therefore, you should study in question format. She suggested asking a question each time and then restating the question in the answer.

Another way of studying is to rewrite notes. It is not just a way to review, but it also helps memorize them. After this, re-read them aloud. That extra repetition helps keep that information locked in the brain.

It is key to eat plenty of healthy foods leading into finals week. Be sure to have three nutritious meals at the same time each day. Irregular eating habits can put stress on your body and make you tired, sick, and even forget things you have studied.

It is also important to get the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep each night to be well rested and ready to study.

Waldorf students can access their exam schedule in two different ways. The schedule can be found at the Academic Achievement Center or on the registrar’s page on the Waldorf website.

Remember, if you start studying now, you can get more sleep during finals week because you are more prepared and do not have to cram as much the night before. This will allow you to feel rested for the finals.