Comm Bowling

Lauren Babcock bowling to win at the communications bowling night. Photo by Maggie Kretzmann
By Maggie Kretzmann
Every year the Communications Department gets together and bowls at the Super Bowl for their annual Comm Bowling event, which was organized by the Public Relations Practicum this year.
The evening kicked off at 8:45 p.m., and ran into the night up until around 10:00 p.m., with nine teams dressed in fun costumes playing to win it all (or have a good time anyways). “We’ve been doing Comm Bowling for about 20 years,” professor David Damm said, who teaches classes in the Communications Department. “We started the tradition of Comm bowling so we could introduce the new students to the older students as well as doing something fun at the beginning of the year as a department that got everyone involved. By putting freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors on teams then they have to get to know someone who isn’t in their classes.”
Throughout the evening each team was judged for being the most energetic, best costume, weirdest costume, most supportive, etc. There is also an award for the person who bowled the highest score and the person who bowled the lowest score. This year Karissa Vetsch, a senior, bowled a whopping 125, winning the highest bowler award. “I was surprised but happy I got it,” Vetch said. “When I think about trying to do well I do bad, so when I just did it for fun I did okay!” Some of the themes for this year included Ugly Dad Shirts, Team Monotone, Waldorf Pride, Working Out, as well as two teams that dressed up like the 50s. “It was getting close to deciding what our theme was going to be, and we decided on the 50s theme as it was easy to work with, and I made my own poodle skirt, which was fun,” Lauren Babcock said. It was a fun time had by all, as well as fun getting to meet new people. “Anybody can bowl, even though some people aren’t very good,” Damm said. “It’s simple and right here in Forest City and thought it would be a great event getting everyone together.”