Choir off to a great start | The Lobbyist
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Choir off to a great start

The Waldorf Choir performing at the Fine Arts blessing. Photo By: Audrey Sparks

The Waldorf Choir performing at the Fine Arts blessing.
Photo By: Audrey Sparks

By: Nathan Taylor

In less than a month, the Waldorf Choir will go on stage with many differences, but the same drive.

Over the summer many things have changed when it comes to the Waldorf Choir, including the departure of the Conductor, Adam Luebke, a new Conductor in Travis Beck, two departing senior students and many new freshman students.

Although there are many changes, the Waldorf Choirs’ goals remain steadfast. They still aim to bring beautiful music to the rest of the school, city, state, country and, this year, also the world. The choir will participate in a trip to Spain this coming spring, and will possibly be performing in Seville and Mallorca, Spain.

After tour last spring, a lot of the students were really looking forward to this year and the possibility of singing for the Pope. The Waldorf Choir met the Archbishop of Rome last year in Philadelphia, along with the mayor and a senator. They were asked to sing an impromptu concert for the three men. They sang “Ubi Caritas,” a Latin song, in the morning, and later sang Mother Teresa’s “Prayer.”

They will be performing their next concert on October 9. From their performance during chapel on September 17, it promises to be a good year for the choir. It appears the changes will not affect this ensemble, as there looks to be no decline in the quality of music that they will be singing this year.