Waldorf Theatre Department Othello | The Lobbyist
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Waldorf Theatre Department Othello

By Alex Burns

The Season of Shakespeare is upon us. It is time for the Theatre’s annual performance of one of Shakespeare’s works. Say Hello to Othello.

The auditions for Shakespeare’s Othello took place in Smith Theatre at 7 p.m. for the eager students. Othello is a tragedy, which is based on the story “Un Capitano Moro” by Cinthio. The story, which translates into “A Moorish Captain,” was believed to be written in 1603. Several students and even a fellow Waldorf faculty members also auditioned for one of the 16 roles that were available. One such faculty member was Dr. Cynthia Ryder, who is currently serving as a Professor of Business and Sport Management.

The main theme of Othello is jealousy. Iago wants what Othello has and he does everything in his power to get it; he does it by deceiving not only Othello but other characters in the play. Othello is married to a woman named Desdemona and Iago does not like that so he tries to get everyone to be against Othello and he also tries to convince Othello that his wife is cheating on him which causes a lot of issues and possibly even deat

Toney Wise, Jr., a senior from Clinton Township, MI, was chosen as the lead. He has been preparing for this role a majority of his summer, and couldn’t wait to audition.

When asked what his secret is to a good audition, Toney said, “Before auditioning I do as much research as possible. I really try to get into the character that I want. I look up the previous people who have done the role and I study them. I really try to get as in touch with the character.”

This is Toney’s sixth lead role at Waldorf since he came here in 2014. “I plan on making this a year to remember, you know, since I’m a senior I need to leave my mark on Waldorf before I go.” Toney said. When asked what his favorite line from the 133 pages of lines that he has to memorize, he said , “It is the cause, it is the cause, my soul. Let me not name it to you, You chaste stars.” This line is right before a crucial plot point.

Along with Toney as the male lead, we have Emma Banner who was cast in the role of Desdemona. This is her first year at Waldorf and she can’t wait to see what lies in store for her. Emma, a junior, originally from Urbandale, IA, has continued her education at Waldorf this year and hopes to become a crucial part of the theatre, which in her other theatre member’s eyes, she has already began becoming to be.

Junior, Jon Quigley was cast as Lago, which in his own words, “Is essentially the villain of the story,” Jon said.

While playing the character Lago, he is a guy who all his life has felt wronged. In Othello, he gets very angry at the decision made by general Othello. Othello, instead of making Iago a lieutenant in the army made Micheal Cassio his lieutenant and made Iago an ensign. Filled with anger the play is filled with Iago’s revenge plot.

They show has different themes such as racism, jealousy, betrayal, and repentance. Othello opens November 15 — 18 at Smith Theatre. The doors open at 7 p.m. and the show begins and 7:30 p.m.